More than 100,000 Tunisians suffer from celiac disease (association president)


More than 100,000 Tunisians suffer from celiac disease, of whom only 30% have been diagnosed, President of the Tunisian Celiac Disease Association, Mongi Ben Hriz, said Saturday. The rest are unaware that they have the disease, he added. In a statement to TAP on an awareness day organised to mark International Celiac Disease Awareness Day on May 18, each year, the association’s president said that between 30 and 35 thousand Tunisians have been diagnosed with the disease. 70% are not aware that they have the disease and do not take the necessary measures to protect themselves from possible complications, he said. Ben Hriz pointed out that people with celiac disease can develop other conditions such as iron deficiency, liver disease and skin disease if they do not follow a proper diet. If the disease is not treated, it can lead to cancer, he warned.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse