Mouhoun/Regional Council of Burkinabe Employers: El Hadj Tinga Harouna Compaoré at the controls


The economic operator of Dédougou, El Hadj Tinga Harouna Compaoré, was elected, on Saturday, September 21, 2024 in Dédougou, president of the regional council of Burkinabe employers of Boucle du Mouhoun, for a renewable five-year term. This was during the constitutive general assembly, under the chairmanship of the high commissioner of the Mouhoun province, Souleymane Nacanabo.

The landscape of the Boucle du Mouhoun economic sector is experiencing a new structure which is the regional council of Burkinabe employers.

Its missions include, among others, representing the national council of Burkinabe employers in the region, organizing private sector players and defending their material, moral and professional interests.

It was through a constitutive general assembly that the actors of the Boucle du Mouhoun region set up, on Saturday September 21, 2024 in Dédougou, their regional council of Burkinabe employers.

With 17 members, El Hadj Tinga Harouna Compaoré was elected president by consensus by his peers.

he meeting was attended by the High Commissioner of the Mouhoun province, Souleymane Nacanabo, representing the regional authorities, the Vice-President of the Employers’ Association in charge of the regions, Hamidou Ouédraogo and the President of the Statutory Committee of the Employers’ Association, Augustin Bambara.

The ceremony was sponsored by the Honorable Member of Parliament Nonyessa Bonzi and the Minister in charge of Urban Planning represented by his technical advisor.

For the Vice-President in charge of the regions, Hamidou Ouédraogo, the establishment of the regional council of Burkinabe employers in Boucle du Mouhoun marks an important step in the organization of the private sector in the region and is part of the decentralization of the national council of Burkinabe employers, in accordance with article 74 of its internal regulations.

“The regional councils of Burkinabe employers constitute a cornerstone of this strategy of the national council,” he said while inviting the Boucle du Mouhoun c
ouncil to work in cohesion and emulation.

Hamidou Ouédraogo asked members to remain economic VDPs despite the security and humanitarian crisis our country is experiencing.

The High Commissioner of the Mouhoun province, Souleymane Nacanabo, praised the spirit of consensus that dominated the election, which demonstrates unity in this council.

He did not fail to provide advice to the new structure to successfully carry out their socio-economic development mission in the Boucle du Mouhoun region.

Addressing the audience, El Hadj Tinga Harouna Compaoré expressed his gratitude to all those who participated in the election by consensus, which demonstrates the unity and understanding of economic actors for the good of Burkinabe employers.

“I trust everyone for the success of our common mission which is the development of the private sector in our region with six provinces and known for its agro-sylvo-pastoral and fishing potential,” he said.

With the installation of its regional council of Burkinabe employers,
Boucle du Mouhoun thus becomes the 7th region to install its regional office, which is part of the national dynamic aimed at bringing together economic and private sector players in each region and better responding to local realities and challenges.

The ceremony saw a strong mobilization of the population and economic players from the different provinces, which demonstrates the importance of the new structure for the economic future of the Boucle du Mouhoun region.

Source: Burkina Information Agency