MP tackles Interior Minister over communique”The law must be applied equally to all people,” Head of State says


A Member of Parliament for the Cameroon Party for National Reconciliation, Hon. Rolande NGO ISSI MBOCK, said the Minister of Interior, Paul Atanga Nji, is not fit to be in that position as Minister because his actions show that he knows nothing about governance.

This statement was made following a warning from the Minister to some political coalition movements which the minister said was illegal.

READ HERE: Atanga Nji issues warning against activities by ‘illicit’ political movements – Cameroon News Agency

‘In all my short years of existence, I have never seen Ministers of the Republic as null and void as those of my country, in this case, the current MINAT. So, Mr. Minister, perhaps you should be reminded that Cameroon is not a country isolated from the rest of the world, that the Constitution is the fundamental norm, the norm of norms, that the laws that are passed in Parliament and made available to you (the government) for their implementation. Escape you in their contexts and their objectives, particu
larly those relating to the activities of political parties. But let me remind you that your role as MINAT is not to dictate to political parties what they should do because they are entities that operate in a specific way and per the law.’ She wrote.

The Interior Minister has frowned at the way some political opposition parties were already preparing for the 2025 presidential elections-especially when it was announced that some Separatist leaders in jail were contacted. Atanga Nji said this was illegal because those in jail were terrorists who were sentenced to life imprisonment.

‘From the above, you should know that your ridiculous ultimatums will take nothing away from the momentum that has already been set in motion. If you are so keen to stay in power, work instead to bring the majority of Cameroonians to trust you more for other terms, Mr MINAT, stop polluting our political environment. Where do you get this mediocrity from?

Cameroon is not your neighborhood or your household. Remember that before is
suing your communiqués which do no honor to the republic given the responsibilities you hold. Reading you is even enough to justify the urgent need for a new ruling class based on alternative institutions.’ Hon. Rolande noted.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

President of the Republic, Kais Saied, Wednesday, reiterated that «the law must be applied equally to all people,» stressing the need to rule on several cases which remain pending for so long, saying that “each time a court hearing is scheduled, the case gets postponed.»

During a meeting he had, at Carthage Palace, with Justice Minister, Leila Jafel, Kais Saied indicated that «the Tunisian people are waging a liberation war based on freedom, justice and respect for the rule of law.»

«Those who think they are above the law will not go unpunished» the Head of State warned, adding that «freedom in all countries across the world does not mean spreading chaos or enjoying broad impunity.»

The President of the Republic called on the Justice Minister “to ensure that the law be applied to all those who join foreign parties and get manipulated by known lobbies. These groups often abuse people and ironically play the role of the victim and the oppressed,» he pointed out.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse