Nabil Ammar to make working visit to Brazil on July 11-13


Tunis: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, will pay a working visit to Brazil from July 11 to 13, at the invitation of his Brazilian counterpart, Mauro Vieira.

Nabil Ammar will be accompanied by a delegation of senior officials from Tunisian pharmaceutical, medicine, phosphate and customs authorities. He will also be accompanied by a delegation of businessmen and economic operators from various sectors, led by President of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA), Samir Majoul, reads a statement of the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

During the visit, Nabil Ammar will chair the Economic Forum organised by the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Tunisian-Brazilian Business Council.

He will also attend the inauguration of the Tunisian trade and consular office, at the headquarters of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Sao Paulo, and will meet with a group of Tunisian expatriates.

Nabil Ammar will have a working sessio
n with the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs to discuss the prospects of cooperation between the two countries in different sectors and ways to further develop them, as well as regional and international issues of mutual interest.

A Memorandum of Understanding on diplomatic cooperation between the two ministries will be signed on this occasion.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse