Need to create network of associations for people with ASD


Tunis: Head of the El Fourat Autism Association Samira Golli proposed on Tuesday, World Autism Awareness Day (April 2), the creation of a network of associations for people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) at the national level to facilitate their integration.

The aim of creating the network, she explained in a statement to TAP, is to raise awareness of the importance of integrating people with ASD of all ages, whether into the education system, cultural programmes or social inclusion, especially after the loss or abandonment of guardians (in the case of adult autistic people), through agreements based on educational mechanisms with the relevant ministries and centres.

With regard to the current integration of autistic people, she acknowledged the weakness of school integration for children and the total failure to accommodate autistic adults in specialised centres, as well as the lack of consideration for their private lives in the organisation of cultural activities, recalling the lack of official stat
istics on this category of society in Tunisia.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse