New Cooperative Society For Turkana East


Turkana County department of cooperatives has launched a new Savings and Cooperative Society in Turkana East Sub County.

Lokori/Kochodin SACCO, which has 453 registered members, was launched by the County Executive Committee for Trade, Cooperatives, Gender and Youth Affairs, Elizabeth Loote.

‘The move to establish the savings and credit cooperative is to empower the people and promote the savings culture in growing the resourceful institutions in Turkana,’ CEC Loote said.

Loote added that the County government was keen on promoting the formation of Saccos for a wide range of economic activities.

The County Chief Officer for cooperatives Samuel Ekale, who accompanied CEC, called on Sacco to embrace improved service delivery.

Ekale urged the members to uphold values of equity, consistency, and fairness.

While giving assurance on improved service delivery, the Sacco’s chairman, James Echuchuka, promised to run the institution in a transparent manner with a view to satisfying customer satisfaction.

Source: Kenya News Agency