Organisations call for proactive human rights engagement


The Data for Governance Alliance, a locally based Civil Society Organizations (CSO), has held its third stakeholder’s forum aimed at enhancing human rights in Africa, whose theme is ’empowering Pan-African civil society to effectively use data to enhance human rights in Africa’.

Speaking in Nairobi during the opening ceremony, Former Chief Justice David Maraga emphasised the importance of evidence-based decisions when it comes to advocacy, citing data insights that will give Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) a strategic direction, especially in human rights.

‘We all know that societies have gone through conflict and a common desire to rebuild themselves. Reconciliation, reparation, and reconstitution are the roads that lead to healing, and the judiciary plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and the dignity of human rights,’ said Maraga.

‘Africa should be a better place and a safer place for everyone,’ said Maraga as he urged the stakeholders to work hand in hand to ensure Africa becomes a be
tter place for everyone.

Maraga challenged the CSOs to majorly invest in a Monitoring and Evaluation framework by using evidence-based arguments.

‘These efforts by CSOs will be inadequate if they are not backed by evidence and ensure compliance with international standards,’ said Maraga.

The Economic, Social, and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) also recognises the role of CSOs in the promotion and protection of human rights.

Speaking at the event, the head of the ECOSOCC Secretariat, Mr. William Carew, also discussed the essential role that CSOs play in advancing human rights.

‘As a member of the African Governance Platform, ECOSOCC also recognises the important contribution of CSOs in promoting and protecting human rights in diverse ways,’ said Mr. Carew.

Source : Kenya News Agency