OTE signs agreement to protect rights of Tunisians living in France and Italy


The Office for Tunisians Abroad (OTE) signed a cooperation agreement on Monday with the national confederal assistance institute in Italy (INCA) to promote social benefits, insurance and the protection of the rights of Tunisians living in France and Italy.

The agreement was signed by OTE Director General Mohamed Mansouri and INCA President Michel Baglearo. The aim of the agreement is to promote social services, particularly in the field of social insurance, for Tunisians living in France and Italy.

The agreement provides for the establishment of cooperation mechanisms between the various parties involved in terms of awareness-raising, information and guidance, as well as the processing of pension and occupational disease files.

In a statement to TAP, Mansouri said that this agreement will make it possible to coordinate efforts between the signatory parties to protect the rights and interests of Tunisians who have worked in France and then in Italy, or who have worked in Italy and then in France.

The OTE will ensure coordination between the various parties involved, as well as the social security funds in Tunisia and those in France and Italy, in order to deal with the cases of Tunisians living in France and Italy and protect their social rights, Mansouri added.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse