Passoré: An association supports women and young people to formalize themselves into cooperatives


The Association of Women in the Mining Sector of Burkina (AFEMIB) held constitutive general assemblies from September 18 to 19, 2024, to support the women’s groups of Song-Naba and Bouda to formalize themselves as cooperatives.

As part of the implementation of the 4th phase of the Project to support the strengthening of land and mining management (PARGFM), constitutive General Assemblies (GA) were held from September 18 to 19, 2024, in the commune of Yako, for the establishment of the Renaissance cooperatives of Song-Naaba and Relwendé of Bouda.

The holding of these general meetings was entrusted to agricultural and livestock technicians who also deal with rural development.

According to the explanations of the head of the departmental service in charge of Agriculture and animal and fisheries resources of Yako, Amado Maïga, the activity took place in two phases.

The first phase concerned the procedures for obtaining the receipt and the second concerned the validation of the lists of warranting and small
ruminant breeding materials for the benefit of the beneficiaries.

The activities were held on the basis of proposals made by the What You Need firm, which provides technical support to AFEMIB.

The technicians made the beneficiaries aware of the need to form cooperatives and the advantages associated with it.

The livestock technician, in his intervention, showed the women the types of documents that are required to obtain a receipt.

“You must provide, among other things, minutes of the meeting, the statutes, internal regulations, the list of members of the cooperative and an operating account,” he explained to the beneficiaries.

The cooperatives will be supported in the drafting of these documents by the technicians in charge of Agriculture and Livestock.

The various administrative procedures for obtaining receipts will also be carried out by the same technicians.

Votes were held to establish the members of the management committees and the supervisory board.

The financial implications and amounts reta
ined for the operation of the cooperatives were discussed by the participants.

At the end of the constitutive general meetings, the validation of the equipment lists followed.

According to the supervisor of the firm “What You Need”, Yacouba Sawadogo, this involves first checking the equipment and then proceeding to their validation, according to the needs expressed by the beneficiaries, in order to facilitate the implementation of income-generating activities for their financial empowerment.

These constitutive AGs were well appreciated by the spokesperson for the beneficiaries of the Relwendé de Bouda association, Bintou Tenkodogo.

She admitted that with the formalization of their association into cooperatives, they could benefit from other opportunities to finance their activities.

“For this we thank all the partners, in this case AFEMIB and the What You Need firm for their support,” she said happily.

The representative of AFEMIB, Djamila Kiéllo, for her part, said she was very satisfied with the mobil
ization and active participation of women in these AGs.

Ms. Kiéllo indicated that the equipment will be given to the cooperatives to enable them to carry out their activities properly and improve their financial situation.

“I ask women to be active in providing the necessary documents as quickly as possible to obtain their receipt,” she concluded.

Source: Burkina Information Agency