PM Hachani participates in Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli


Tunis: Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani is taking part on Wednesday in the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in the Libyan capital Tripoli, at the behest of President of the Republic Kais Saied, according to a Prime Ministry press release on Wednesday.

Hachani will be accompanied by Interior Minister Khaled Nouri.

The forum, which will be attended by a number of African and European Prime and Interior Ministers from a number of African and sub-Saharan African countries, will discuss the issue of irregular migration and its repercussions on countries on both shores of the Mediterranean.

Participants at the Forum will consider two main axes. The first, involving heads of State and government, addresses the migration issue at a strategic level, seeking to formulate ‘a unified vision and policies, to develop the foundations of Africa-Europe relations based on mutual respect and shared interests, and to plan prompt humanitarian response policies that guarantee the rights and safety of migrants.’

The second which
involves interior ministers and security officials, deals with security cooperation and expertise and information sharing, which makes it a multi-dimensional approach (geopolitical, security, humanitarian).’

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse