President of the Republic visits student Adnan Maamouri, victim of mine explosion in Mount Mghila


President Kais Saied went to the military hospital in Tunis on Thursday afternoon to visit student Adnan Maamouri, who lost an eye and the palm of his right hand when a mine exploded in Mount Mghila while he was collecting rosemary to pay for his school fees.

The President of the Republic spoke at length with the student “who has been struck by the treacherous hand of terrorism”, stressing that he deserved to be honoured on the Day of Knowledge because he fights for a decent life with pride and dignity.

President Saied stressed that the state, through all its organs, must put an end to injustice against the poor “so that citizens can live safely in a state with preserved dignity and sovereignty,” according to a statement issued by the Presidency of the Republic.

On the occasion of the Day of Knowledge, which was celebrated at the Carthage Palace on Thursday, the President honoured a number of brilliant students in basic, preparatory, secondary and higher education, scientific research and innovation, as well as a number of officials from the Ministry of Education and Higher Educat


Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse