President Saied discusses with PM outcome of participation in Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum


President Kais Saied, had a meeting, Thursday afternoon, at Carthage Palace, with Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani who briefed him about the outcome of his participation in the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum held Wednesday in Tripoli.

The President spoke of Tunisia’s firm position regarding the issue of irregular migration, emphasising that Tunisia has offered everything possible to those migrants who are exploited by human trafficking networks, reads statement of the Presidency of the Republic.

“Tunisia refuses to serve as a transit point or residence for irregular migrants,” the Head of State reiterated.

President Saied asserted that joint efforts should be made in order to resolve the issue of irregular migration and dismantle criminal networks that are behind this abnormal phenomenon.

He added that these migrants are victims of an unjust global economic system.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse