Medical/Health Care

The Government of Benin continues to take measures that it adapts in the light of the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic and also taking into account the concerns of citizens. It is in this context that the adjustments made to the fees initially set, always with a view to meeting the aspirations of travelers, while maintaining an optimal level of health security for the entire population, fall within this framework. Discover and download here the guide on the new tariffs and exemption measures granted to travelers for Covid-19 tests on arrival or departure from Cotonou airport.

It looks like the Government has set new tariffs for Covid-19 charges?


Indeed, the Government has adopted new tariffs.


Can we understand the reasons?


As you know, the Covid-19 crisis has led the Government to take many measures that it adapts to the evolution of the pandemic and also taking into account the concerns of citizens. It is in this context that the adjustments made to the fees initially set, always with a view to meeting the aspirations of travelers, take place. Decisions, as you know, are made for people and you have to know how to constantly listen to them. This is what the Government keeps doing.


Since the publication of the first circular, the Government has changed the tariffs several times. What can explain these changes?


These are not, in reality, profound changes, but strategic adjustments. There are categories of travelers that were not taken into account at the start but were subsequently integrated into the system with exemption formulas in view of the specificity of their status. The Government was also, at one point, led to take into account certain parameters in order to review certain rates. It is a process. Our goal is to take into account all possible scenarios and hypotheses in order to satisfy travelers. It is continuous work that will always be done to meet the needs expressed.


What then are these rates?


  • The traveler departing from Cotonou pays a lump sum of 50,000 FCFA which gives the right to a screening test and a certificate from Cotonou.


  • The traveler on arrival in Cotonou pays a flat rate of 50,000 FCFA entitling him to a screening test on arrival as well as a certificate.


  • The costs of the COVID-19 test are payable online on the site


A drug test was instituted on the 15th day after the first test at the airport. This is not done anymore? Or is it no longer billed?


Yes, this is the day 15 follow-up screening test. It is compulsory, but not chargeable. The State offered it to all travelers who stay in Benin beyond 15 days. They can do this at the Palais des congrès site or at routine screening sites that are close to their places of residence. Imagine someone who has returned from a trip but who lives in Tanguiéta. For the 15th day test, he can simply take the sample in Tanguiéta and the analysis will be done at the microbiology laboratory in Natitingou. This is once again proof that the Government has got it right by decentralizing the control diagnosis to the level of each department.


Are those who stay in Benin less than 15 days exempt from this test?


It is important to remember that any traveler to Cotonou is subject to the screening test at Cotonou airport. If it is less than three (03) days, he will not be obliged to take the second test. But if their stay goes beyond three days, but is less than 14 days, the traveler must make arrangements for their second test before their departure. To this end, we recommend that you report your situation on arrival at the airport and go to the Palais des Congrès site 72 hours before your flight from Cotonou in order to have it collected. Thus, he will be able to receive his result within the time limit before his trip.


I am traveling for a short stay of 5 days. Do I have to repeat the test on arrival?


You must absolutely repeat the test on your arrival. The reason is simple. You have stayed in a country that you have no control over. You have met people who perhaps did not respect barrier gestures. You may have stayed in a hotel or with a relative. You have certainly gone shopping or been to the market. On your return you took a plane and met people in this confined space. You could have been infected at one point or another. Also, a sample that you take at a time T which turned out to be negative can turn out to be positive at a time T + 1.


These are all reasons that justify the need for you to redo your test on arrival.


Do I then have to pay 50,000 FCFA again on arrival or I benefit from a reduction, since my stay is quite short?


You must absolutely pay the 50,000 FCFA on your return.


I come for a 5-day stay in Benin. Will my test on departure be billed at 50,000 FCFA as on arrival?




In the explanatory note which has been circulating recently on the government site, it has been made case of a certain number of exemptions, but not of the case of the children. Do we have to pay for all children regardless of their age?


Children under 5 years of age benefit from an exemption authorization for the payment of the Covid-19 fee. So you won’t have to pay anything for them.


They are exempt from payment, but do they have to take the test?


Each child who comes is systematically removed. We had had to deal with several cases of children under one year old who tested positive for Covid-19. It is especially important when we know our African values, that children, whatever their age, are screened to ensure that they are healthy subjects otherwise they will be transmission routes.


What about other cases of exemption?


In addition to children there are certain categories which benefit from this payment exemption. It’s about :


  1. people in a medical evacuation situation;


  1. any person on official mission on behalf of the Government, ministries or any other national institution, whatever the nature of the passport, on presentation of a mission order signed by an authorized person;


  1. Beninese students receiving grants from the State or from a partner institution who are on authorized vacation or at the end of training, as well as officials of the administration returning from the internship, on presentation of a scholarship certificate or ‘a mission order or a document in lieu thereof;


  1. Beninese citizens in an irregular situation and repatriated to Benin, upon presentation of official correspondence covering the repatriation operation (note verbale or correspondence from the MAEC);


  1. persons holding an exemption authorization issued by the Minister of Health.


With regard to students, it should be noted that non-grant students and grant students on vacation or on leave who do not benefit from a travel ticket from the State or from the organization receiving the grant are not concerned. by this exemption measure.


What are the screening sites for travelers arriving and departing from Cotonou?


Arriving travelers are screened at the airport upon exiting. If they have to stay more than 15 days, they do so either at the convention center or at routine screening sites which are close to their places of residence. Travelers departing from Cotonou take their test at the Palais des Congrès or at the VIP screening center located on the way to the airport.


Will the passport of the passenger who has taken his test on arrival and who has paid the 50,000 FCFA still be withdrawn by the immigration services at the airport?


Absoutely !


The withdrawal of the passport on arrival makes it possible to ensure that the passenger is free from any infection with Covid-19 before returning his passport to him, in the event that his test is positive, he will not be able to take possession of his passport. that once declared cured. This measure thus aims to ensure that the positive passenger, because he constitutes a potential threat to others, undergoes the treatment in order to block the transmission of the virus.


What is the procedure to follow to recover my passport?


In the event of a negative result, the passport can be collected by the traveler at the convention center 72 hours after arrival at the same time as the result of the test carried out at the airport every day, including weekends and public holidays. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Are other identity documents also accepted instead of the passport?


The passport is the ultimate travel document. It is therefore this document that the immigration services withdraw from the passenger. However, in the ECOWAS region, the national identity card can be used for travel between countries. In this case, this part will be withdrawn from the traveler.

Diplomats are allowed to keep their diplomatic passports. Instead, they deposit an identity document or the consular card.




Source: Government of the Republic of Benin

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