Prime Minister briefed by Environment Minister on axes of the national strategy for ecological transition


Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani met with Environment Minister Leila Cheikhaoui Mahdaoui at the Government Palace in the Kasbah on Wednesday evening to discuss the ministry’s work programme in the fields of marine protection, waste management and the gradual transition to valorisation. The minister presented the axes of the national strategy for ecological transition, the national strategy for public and sectoral waste management, the environmental code project, as well as projects aimed at achieving the sustainable development goals, according to a statement from the Prime Ministry. The meeting was also an opportunity to present the latest preparations for the Arab-African Science, Technology, Policy and Private Sector Nexus for Disaster Risk Reduction in the face of the accelerating effects of climate change, which will take place in Tunisia at the beginning of October. For his part, the Prime Minister praised the efforts made by the Ministry and called for speeding up the implementation of the aforementioned strategies, which were approved in previous Cabinet meetings.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse