Project for territorial division of constituencies allowed drawing up Tunisia’s administrative map scientifically


President of the Independent High Authority for the Elections (French: ISIE) Farouk Bouasker said that the project of territorial division of electoral constituencies was carried out by Tunisian experts.

This project has led to the drawing up, for the first time, of an administrative and territorial map of the Tunisian Republic according to a scientific, detailed and official approach, he pointed out during a meeting held in Tunis on Friday to pay tribute to the parties that contributed to the implementation of the project.

Bouasker pointed out that the electoral constituencies project has led to the adoption of 24 decisions defining the territorial boundaries of 2085 imadas, 275 delegations and 24 governorates.

The decisions were published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Tunisia between July 12 and 25, he added.

The ISIE President welcomed the support given to the project by various state bodies and the partnerships signed between the ISIE and the ministries and national institutions, mentioning in particular the Ministry of the Interior, the National Centre for Cartography and Remote Sensing, the National Institute of Statistics and the National Office of Topography and Cadastre.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse