Ramadan: Small Cabinet meeting at Government Palace


Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani chaired on Tuesday at the Government Palace in Kasbah a small Cabinet meeting to discuss preparations by the various ministries for the month of Ramadan.

The meeting was attended by the ministers of the interior, finance, social affairs, trade and export development, agriculture, water resources and fisheries, health, transport, tourism and religious affairs, as well as a representative of the ministry of culture.

During the meeting, they outlined their respective ministries’ action plans for the month of Ramadan.

According to a press release from the Prime Ministry, the participants stressed the importance of increasing security surveillance and the responsiveness of law enforcers and services, raising the level of vigilance and securing all events organised during the month of Ramadan.

Participants also discussed the need to strengthen and diversify religious programmes and increase the number of Ramadan conferences and lectures s at national, regional and local levels.

re is also a need to initiate awareness-raising debates aimed at young people and to enrich the content of cultural programmes, in particular through the organisation of exhibitions, according to the same source.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse