Recall procedures announced by ISIE comply with Constitution (Mnasri)


Spkesperson for the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) Mohamed Tlili Mansri affirmed that the recall procedures announced by ISIE in its Regulatory Decision No.281, are in compliance with the Constitution and Decree Law No.2022-55.

“The ISIE does not interfere in the content of the recall motion”, he said in reaction to the statement made by Houssem MAhjoub, deputy speaker of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) responsible for legislative affairs.

According to Mahjoub, the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunity, Parliamentary and Electoral Law will review the compliance of ISIE’s recall decision with the provisions of the Constitution and the Electoral LAw.

Mnasri went on to say that the ISIE had not yet defined the conditions for recall, as the procedures are set out in Legislative Decree No. 55 on the revision of the electoral law, in particular Article 39.

Mnasri went on to say that the ISIE has no control over the content of the justification contained in the recall petition
submitted by 10 voters and has no right to reject it, as it meets all the formal requirements set out in the law.

He added that ISIE’s role is limited to regulating the form for the recall request and the submission procedures, pursuant to Article 39 of the Decree Law No.55.

The recall issue was addressed in general terms in Article 61 of the Constitution of 2022. This article provides that “the MP’s term may be interrupted in accordance with the conditions set out by the electoral law”.

Decree Law No.55 of September 15, 2022, also laid down the recall procedures and conditions to Parliament, notably in Article 39.

The ISIE had recently issued a decision regulating the conditions, procedures and deadlines for recalling members of elected councils in accordance with Decree Law No. 55 and Decree Law No. 2023-10.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse