Review of the decentralization sector for the year 2020: Soon a new face for the Beninese territorial administration


Strengthen and depoliticize the municipal administration to qualitatively improve local governance and consequently, grassroots development to the great satisfaction of the populations. This is pending what the government of President Patrice TALON is aiming for by initiating reforms in the decentralization sector.

Aware of the capital importance of this vision for the performance and competitiveness of decentralization and local governance, Minister Raphaël AKOTEGNON, during the review of this ministerial department for the year 2020, admitted: ” Now that the eyes of the government are on our decentralization system, one of the objectives of which is to promote democracy and local development, we can affirm that the territorial administration will present a new face in a few days ”.

The stakes are high and the technical and financial partners (PTF) are also aware of it. The PTF leader, Elisabeth Pitteloud ALANZAR, at the end of this review organized on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at the Casa del Cielo hotel in Cotonou, underlined this in her speech. “We welcome this approach aimed at ensuring the efficiency of the piloting and management of the municipal administration and thus fostering the promotion of local development. The stakes of this reform are therefore significant and here we wish to renew the full availability of the partners to support Benin within the framework of this reform process ”.

For the Minister of Decentralization and Local Governance, Raphaël AKOTEGNON, it is in this dynamic that his ministerial department has included this review devoted mainly to the implementation of PONADEC and its operationalization tools in particular, the Plans of Decentralization and Deconcentration (Plan 2D), the Departmental Development Action Coordination Plans (PDCAD), the Annual Advisory Assistance Program (PAAC) and the FADeC. To this end, in-depth analyzes were carried out on the evolution of the local development financing mechanism and the mechanism of assistance-advice to local authorities in Benin during the 2020 financial year. – it was for the participants,

Anything, underlines the Minister at the start of this review which brought together the MDGL executives, the Prefects of the departments, the PTFs, the representatives of the sectoral ministries and the civil society, will make it possible to analyze the real causes of the difficulties in overcome in order to contribute to the new dynamic driven by decentralization in Benin.

Source: Government of the Republic of Benin

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