Role of Modern Technologies and AI in Developing Journalistic Content for News Agencies: recommendations issued


Tunis: Participants in the international symposium organised Thursday in Tunis by Tunis Afrique Press (TAP) news agency on “Role of Modern Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in Developing Journalistic Content for News Agencies” issued a set of recommendations, mainly to boost cooperation in AI and improve journalistic content by using modern technolgies.

These recommendations include:

– Setting up a permanent committee within the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN) in a bid to scale up cooperation and coordination between member agencies on AI, build on different experiences and promote training opportunities for journalists.

– Creating a mechanism to raise awareness of the challenges in AI and turn them into opportunities for the agencies to benefit from this innovation in the news agency journalism and improve contents.

– Adopting regulations and a code of conduct in consultation with Mediterranean new agencies so as to ensure the proper use of AI and avoid missteps that may jeopardise
the credibility of news agency journalism.

– Launching a process for news agencies to make good use of AI applications a optimise its use to serve the credibility and transparency of journalistic content.

– Encouraging the cautious use of AI in Mediterranean news agencies while taking needed measures to avoid missteps that may affect the credibility of agency news.

Enacting legislation, international agreements and codes to govern the use of AI tools to protect the journalists’ private information and data.

– Ensuring that specialised education and training institutions in Mediterranean countries pay more attention to studying the use of AI technology in teaching and training curricula for journalism students and professionals.

– Guaranteeing safe use of AI in the development of journalistic content while highlighting prospects and risks of AI applications and the safe use of AI in protecting data and securing the flow of news so as to preserve the truth while reporting

– Involving news agencies in this
technological process as it has become a necessity for

the rapid coverage of events, while warning about the ethical and legal challenges that may result from the increasing use of this technology.

– Making the use of AI ethical.

The participants commended TAP’s initiative to address the use of AI in news agencies, and called for deeper interest in this issue and a thorough discussion of its various aspects in future sessions within the activities of AMAN as well as the editorial, ethical and financial implications of the use of AI in journalism.

This symposium was held at the headquarters of the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) in Tunis, as part of TAP presidency of the AMAN. It was chaired by TAP CEO Najeh Missaion with the participation of AMAN Secretary General George Penintaex (via zoom), Director-general of the Union of Information Agencies of the OIC Mohammed bin Abdul Rabbo Al-Yami, representatives of Arab and Mediterranean news agencies and experts in the AI field.

Source: Agence Tunis Afr
ique Presse