Second call for applications “Intajat Jadida”: accelerating production projects in the Maghreb


The French media development agency CFI has launched since late March 2023 the 2nd Call for applications Intajat Jadida: accelerating production projects in the Maghreb and announced that the deadline for receipt of applications is Sunday, April 23, 2023 at 23:59 (Paris)

This call is intended for people tempted by an experience to accelerate their production project of audiovisual, cultural and educational content with several possible dimensions: entertainment, business, cooking, personal development, video games, fashion, music, health or sports.

The call is open to independent creators of audiovisual content (youtubers, instagrammers, tiktokeurs, bloggers, videographers, podcasters, reporters, journalists) from Algeria, Libya, Morocco or Tunisia, who have at least 4,000 followers and a legally registered structure.

This call is also addressed to production companies, digital media or private radio with web activity whose headquarters are established in Algeria, Libya, Morocco or Tunisia and whose recent productions have been followed by at least 4 000 followers.

Launched in 2022 for a period of two years, “Intajat Jadida” is a production support programme supported by CFI as part of the innovation strategy of the audiovisual industries sector in these four countries by contributing to the creation of creative, cultural and educational audiovisual content that meets the expectations of audiences under 35 years old.

This incubation and mentoring programme is organised around two calls for production projects, the first of which was launched in 2022 (promotion 1) and the second at the end of March 2023 (promotion 2).

For each promotion, 16 production projects are pre-selected, then among them 12 projects are selected to benefit from the incubation and mentoring programme.

At the end of the mentoring programme for both promotions, a competition will determine the 2 best pilots as well as the best pilot contributing to the promotion of equality between women and men and fighting against gender stereotypes.

The beneficiaries commit to participate in the incubation and mentoring programme over a period of 6 months. The content of the support programme encourages the culture of entrepreneurship and will strengthen the skills of all through the implementation of a 5-day bootcamp, in Tunis, with the objective of proceeding to the diagnosis of the preselected production projects, to identify their assets and the points of attention in their development, to carry out the first adjustments strong of the councils of the accompanying expertise and finally, to carry out the definitive selection of the carriers and carriers of production project, beneficiaries of Intajat Jadida. From the outset, an incubation stay of 5 days is planned in Tunis to consolidate the ideation of the selected production projects (editorial, format, distribution channels, visibility, legal, financing, monetization etc. …).

Technical training workshops related to narrative formats and individualised support before the production of the pilots (video, podcast, newsletter, etc…) and coaching sessions and identification / implementation of financial support (4 000 euros max / production project) for the production of pilots (purchase of technical equipment, financing of technical services (studio rental, editing, dressing etc…) are also on the programme.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse