Sfax: Ship loaded with soft wheat from Russia arrives at commercial port


A ship loaded with soft wheat from Russia arrived at the commercial port of Sfax on Wednesday and the unloading of the estimated 27,500 tonnes of cargo by heavy trucks has begun. The regional director of the grain office in Sfax, Radhouane Kammar, told TAP that a large part of the wheat is destined for mills in the governorates of Sfax, Kasserine, Gabes and Sousse, and a small part for storage. He stressed the importance of this shipment, which “comes at a time when the country needs soft wheat”. A second ship carrying hard wheat is also expected on Thursday. It will be unloaded after the necessary sampling and testing, and its cargo will be sent to mills in neighbouring governorates.

Source: EN – Agence Tunis Afrique Presse