Sino-Burkinabe cooperation and control of ambulances and other vehicles in the headlines


This Tuesday’s publications echo the press release from the municipality of Ouagadougou subjecting funeral ambulance drivers and other vehicles to police control and the meeting between Chinese and Burkinabe businessmen.

“Bilateral cooperation, Chinese and Burkinabe businessmen exchange with the head of state,” states the state daily Sidwaya on its front page.

According to the public newspaper, the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, spoke on Friday, September 20, 2024, with a delegation of Chinese and Burkinabe businessmen on the challenges of strengthening China-Burkina cooperation.

The state daily specifies that businessmen from both countries discussed business opportunities on the same day, during a Sino-Burkinabe forum, chaired by Prime Minister Apollinaire Kyelèm de Tambèla.

In the same vein, the dean of private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga, indicates that the objective of this meeting is to allow businessmen to form partnerships to boost private investment and, by extension, economic grow

For its part, the private newspaper Le Pays, reports that according to the Minister in charge of the Economy, Dr Aboubakar Nacanabo, the People’s Republic of China is a “reliable” partner for his country, because despite the insecurity, China has remained at Burkina’s side.

In another register, the newspapers return to the press release of the special delegation of the commune of Ouagadougou.

“Commune of Ouagadougou, vehicles formerly exempted now controlled”, writes Sidwaya on its front page.

According to the colleague, the municipality of Ouagadougou, in a press release dated September 20, 2024, announced that new measures for controlling vehicles previously exempt from police control will now be scrutinized.

By the way, L’Observateur Paalga specifies that the vehicles concerned are ambulances and similar vehicles, vehicles transporting mortal remains, armored van type vehicles transporting foreign currency or other goods, mining and quarry vehicles, diplomatic corps vehicles, etc.

And the dean of
Burkinabe private dailies concludes that this measure aims to avoid “any perfidy.”

Source: Burkina Information Agency