Some 1,112 women benefiting from female development groupings projects (Ministry of Family)


Tunis: The number of women benefiting from female development groupings under the Ministry of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly has reached 1,112, with an estimated budget of TND 2.092 million.

The number of female agricultural development groupings under the ministry has reached 39, among the 190 development groupings in Tunisia under a number of ministries and other structures, according to data provided to TAP by the ministry.

The latter scheduled the establishment of 10 new development groupings per year.

Through these groupings, located in 14 governorates, the department is endeavouring to step up the employability of women and girls, facilitate their integration into the economic process through the social and solidarity economy, contribute to the transition from the informal to the formal sector and help reduce poverty rates.

In 2023, 5 female groupings were set up and supported in 5 governorates, benefiting 222 members with funds estimated at TND 566 thousand, in addition to 5 other grouping
s as part of the implementation of the Tunisian-Spanish cooperation programme to support the national strategy for the socio-economic empowerment of women and girls in rural areas, with funds estimated at TND 250 thousand, and involving 112 participants in the governorates of Sfax, Mahdia and Jendouba, with funds estimated at TND 112 thousand.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse