Stakeholders Seeks To End Gender-Based Violence In Narok


The department of Gender together with Amref Health Africa, World Vision and other partners have launched 16 -days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV)and Children Service Month at Elangata Enterit in Narok South sub county, during which they made a commitment to eliminate all forms of GBV against children and women.

Speaking during the event, Narok law court Chief Magistrate Hezron Nyamberi, said the Month of November is for awareness creation to promote the rights of children and 16-days of activism against GBV in the society.

‘This Month of November, is the children service month. We have set aside over 100 files that concern children and allocated them to various judicial officers to hear those cases,’ said Nyamberi

Nyamberi who was also the chief guest, said they have issued notices to the Office of Director Public Prosecution to serve the witnesses to come to the court and to ensure the cases are handled according to the law and determined.

Nyamberi noted that the majority of the cases p
ending in court are defilement cases, Female genital mutilation (FGM) and child neglect or abandonment by their parents.

On her part, the County Director Gender Agnes Ngeno, said FGM is still at the prevalence rate of 51 per cent while teenage pregnancies are at a rate of 28 percent in the Narok county.

Ngeno noted that GBV vices, FGM and teenage pregnancies are still rampant in the county against girl child in the county.

‘And today, we have come to talk to the community; and see ways of stopping these GBV vices; through sensitization, creating awareness and change of behavior in the society,’ added the county director.

Meshack Lesurmat, an officer in Amref health Africa in Narok county said the 16 days of activism on GBV is a period whereby the partners advocating for the rights of girl child and women in the society will come together to build an engagement to train and discuss with the communities on the retrogressive practices.

‘We have come to build a society that is free from FGM, a society that f
ree from Teenage pregnancies, a society that is free from early marriages,’ said Lesurmat

Lesurmat added that the Maasai community needs to be educated on the negative effects of the retrogressive practices and be informed that they are outdated.

Assistant County Commissioner, Denis Musomba representing the Deputy County Commissioner Narok south sub county said the government has streamlined the channel of reporting of GBV cases.

‘In every police station, there is a gender desk whereby people should report their GBV cases,’ added the ACC.

He praised the gazettement of Naroosura police station as it has contributed immensely towards the reduction of GBV cases in the sub location.

The 16-days of activism against Gender Based Violence (GBV) will go up to 10th December 2023.

Source: Kenya News Agency