Surveyor Decries Infiltration Of Brokers In Lands Offices In Homa Bay


Homa Bay County Surveyor Abach Owino has raised concerns over infiltration of masquerades who were conning unsuspecting members of the public in suspicious land deals.

He said that the culprits were claiming to be officers from the survey department before extorting those who sought services from the department.

The surveyor noted that many people have complained to his department, after being conned by the brokers.

‘We urge members of the public to be cautious and report to authorities masqueraders so that they can be apprehended,’ he said.

He cited a recent incident where an elderly woman reported to his office after being conned by a broker who posed as a government surveyor.

Owino said that the broker had so far not been apprehended for allegedly conning gullible members of the public.

The Surveyor who spoke Friday during a county service delivery meeting in Homa Bay county headquarters called on the security machinery to intervene and curb the menace.

Homa Bay Deputy County Commissioner Charles Mw
ayaya who chaired the meeting assured Owino that the matter will be handled and all the imposters in the land sector will face the law.

He said that if such an issue comes up, the matter should be reported to the County commissioner’s office, or his office, so as to assign security officers to deal with the brokers.

The DCC however pointed a finger to some of the land survey officers for working with the brokers, giving them a lee way to conduct their con deals.

He directed the County Surveyor to post memos on their offices’ walls to warn the public against falling victims to the masqueraders as one of the strategies of curbing the menace.

Source: Kenya News Agency