Tarek Baccouche takes up duties as Managing Director of INP


The National Heritage Institute (INP) is now headed by Tarek Baccouche, who was previously Director of Heritage, Information and Culture at the Ministry of National Defence.

Since mid-January, Youssef Lachkham, Secretary General of the National Heritage Institute, has been acting as interim head of the INP, replacing Faouzi Mahfoudh, who has retired.

Tarek Baccouche officially took up his post on Monday at an official ceremony presided over by Minister of Culture, Hayet Ketat Guermazi, at her department’s headquarters in the Kasbah.

The INP is a scientific and technical institution whose mission is to inventory, study, safeguard and promote the cultural, archaeological, historical, civilisational and artistic heritage.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse