Ten Tunisian companies win awards at Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil CompetitionCounty Committed To Provide Conducive Environment, Policy For Business Growth, Governor Barchok


Ten Tunisian companies producing and exporting packaged extra virgin olive oil won awards at the Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition, announced the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy.

Tunisian packaged extra virgin olive oil bagged 211 medals in the various international competitions organised in Europe, the United States and Asia over the whole year 2023, 300 medals in 2022 and 214 in 2021, positioning Tunisia among the top 10 countries in this sector.

These international awards will help raise the profile of packaged olive oil among decision-makers in the sector, specialists, buyers and consumers.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok has assured the business community of his government’s commitment to provide conducive environment and policies for their investment to prosper.

Speaking after holding a coordination meeting between his administration and the investors, the governor said that there was need for business operators within the county to be provided with a favourable environment for their business to thrive.

Prof Barchok further acknowledged the immense position business community hold through their contribution and integral impact in boosting the economy of the County.

‘We appreciate the business community in Bomet town who work their hearts out every other day to fend for their families. Besides providing employment opportunities, both skilled and unskilled, to several people around this town, these investors are also an integral contributor to the overall economy of Bomet county, as a whole,’ explained the governor.

Some of the administrative actions that will be considered by the governor’s
administration include the harmonisation of the rates paid by business owners, investors and mama mboga operating from the market stalls.

Redesigning of market stalls to meet the conformity and requirements of market users, pavement of markets within the county were some of the proposals presented to the governor.

Some of the projects the County boss revealed his administration is working on include the establishment of a main matatu terminus, which after its completion will see the decongestion of matatus in town by establishing official picking and dropping points of passengers.

Bomet town being the express route through which the main road connecting south Nyanza and Nairobi cuts through has been experiencing traffic jams mainly caused by disorganized matatus operators who have been boarding and alighting passengers in undesignated points along the highway.

‘With a view to breathing life into the new market, downtown, we have agreed to reroute the main Matatu terminus in town as was designed, initially
, this will ease the traffic flow in the town,’ explained Barchok.

Barchok further revealed that his administration is also considering the proposal to create one central space for all vehicle mechanics in the town that will act as a mechanical hub.

The hub will act as a central point garage area where all mechanics within Bomet town and its outskirts will work from.

The meeting between the governor and business community comes just a few days amid weekly staged demonstrations that have been taking place in Bomet every Friday where residents have been complaining of acute water shortage, poor state of roads and service delivery, nepotism in the recruitment of County staff among other allegations.

Source: Kenya News Agency