Tribute to soldiers involved in anti-terrorist operation in Kasserine


Minister of National Defence, Imed Memmich, on Monday evening, paid tribute to the soldiers who took part in the joint operation carried out, with the Internal Security Forces in the mountains of the Kasserine governorate on December 27, 2023.

The anti-terrorist operation resulted in the elimination of three terrorists and the seizure of large quantities of weapons, ammunition and explosives.

According to a press release from the Ministry of Defence, the soldiers involved in this anti-terrorist operation were honoured at a ceremony held at the headquarters of the Officers’ Club of the various corps of the National Army in Bizerte, on orders of the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

In his speech, the Minister of Defence took the opportunity to express his appreciation and respect for the members of the National Army for their praiseworthy and heroic actions in the fight against terrorism.

Such a “qualitative” achievement is further proof of the army’s operational capacity
and its willingness to make generous and immeasurable sacrifices in order to preserve the inviolability of the national territory,ยป the Minister pointed out.

Memmich also urged the military to be extra vigilant and to be fully prepared to face the terrorist threat through intensive and specific training, enabling them to be on the lookout for threats and dangers from all sides.

The special unit of the National Guard and the Special Forces Brigade of the National Army, supported by air force units, on December 27, 2023, succeeded in eliminating three terrorists holed up in the Kasserine mountains.

The joint operation, which resulted in the seizure of a large quantity of ammunition, is the fruit of close and solid intelligence cooperation between the National Guard and the National Army.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse