Tunisia, Algeria sign over two dozen agreements, MoU and MoC


More than two dozen agreements, memoranda of understanding and cooperation were signed at the end of the 22nd session of the Tunisian-Algerian High Commission and as a result of a consultation process initiated by the Tunisian-Algerian Follow-up Committee. These sectoral agreements include 16 files from several ministries. These files relate to Mujahideen cases, education, culture, social affairs, interior, trade, transport, tourism, employment, industry, vocational training, youth, sports, housing, digitalisation, energy and investment. The following documents were signed – A memorandum of cooperation in the field of care for mujahideen and their beneficiaries; – A framework agreement for cooperation in educational research between the Algerian National Institute for Educational Research (INRE) and the International Centre for the Training of Trainers and Educational Innovation (CIFFIP); – A Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in vocational training; – A twinning agreement between the INSIAG National Institute Specialized in Art and Graphic Industries and the Sectoral Training Centre in Graphic Arts (CSFAG); – A cooperation agreement in the field of culture; – A cooperation agreement in the field of youth and sport; – A cooperation agreement in the field of housing, reconstruction and urban development; -A cooperation agreement in the field of digital transformation; – An executive programme for the social protection cooperation agreement for 2024-2026; – A Memorandum of Understanding establishing a bilateral committee for the development and promotion of border areas; – An executive programme on consumer protection and quality control of goods and services for 2024-2025; -An agreement on mutual recognition of certification -A cooperation agreement in the field of logistics and multimodal transport – An executive programme for the cooperation agreement in the field of crafts for 2024-205 – A Memorandum of Understanding in the field of tourism – A twinning agreement between the Algerian Academy of Social Security (ESSS) and the National Institute of Labour and Social Studies (INTES) – A twinning agreement between the National Institute for the Prevention of Occupational Risks (INPRP) and the Institute for Safety and Health at Work (ISST). -An executive programme for a memorandum of cooperation in the field of metrology between the National Office of Legal Metrology (ONML) and the Central Laboratory for Analysis and Testing (LCAE) for 2024-2026. – Memorandum of Understanding between the Algerian Institute of Standardisation (IANOR) and the National Institute of Standardisation and Industrial Property (INNORPI) in the technical field. – An executive programme for a memorandum of cooperation in the field of industrial property between the Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property and INNORPI for 2024-2026 – MoU between the Algerian SERPORT and the Tunisian National Merchant Navy Office for cooperation between the Annaba Port Company and the Port of Radès; – Memorandum of cooperation between the Algerian National Maritime Academy and the Mediterranean Maritime Training Institute (IMFMM). – A cooperation agreement between the National Agency for the Promotion and Rationalisation of Energy Use (APRUE) and the Tunisian National Energy Management Agency (ANME); – A memorandum of cooperation in investment promotion between the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency and the Tunisia Investment Agency (TIA).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse