Tunisia-China direct flight to start in 2024, says tourism minister


The Chinese tourist market is a strategic market for Tunisia,” said, Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts, Mohamed Moez Belhassine , at the opening of the African regional conference of the World Tourism Cities Federation (WTCF) in Hammamet on Wednesday.

The minister also announced that national carrier Tunisair, is considering launching a direct flight between Tunisia and China in 2024, “which is expected to double the number of Chinese tourists from 30,000 to more than 60,000”.

Tunisia, which is hosting the conference for the first time under the theme “Prospects for a New China-Africa Tourism Cooperation”, is hosting a major tourism event.

More than 200 participants from China and African countries are attending, representing the media, tourism professionals and tour operators. This is an opportunity to strengthen Tunisian-Chinese relations, promote Tunisia as a tourist destination and strengthen ties between tourism professionals in the two countries,” said Belhassine.

The Minister underlined that “Tu
nisia can be a distinctive and attractive destination for Chinese tourists, thanks to its spectacular nature, archaeological sites, significant heritage and cultural richness, which meet the requirements of the Chinese tourist when choosing a destination”.

The responsibility for enhancing this cultural heritage lies with the various stakeholders in the tourism sector, who must step up their efforts to upgrade tourist facilities and provide the best services, particularly in terms of hospitality and food quality.

As for the agreements reached on the sidelines of the meeting, Belhassine stressed that most of them were aimed at improving promotional programmes for the Chinese market and increasing access to Tunisia through Tunisair.

This includes increasing the number of visits to Tunisia by Chinese professionals, media and influencers, as well as digital promotion and marketing of the Tunisian destination.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse