Tunisia gears up for CEPEX representative office in Dakar


A sixth representative office in Dakar to beef up Tunisia’s network in sub-Saharan Africa was the central issue at a meeting which CEO of the Exports Promotion Centre (French: CEPEX) Mourad Ben Hassine had recently with Ambassador of Senegal Ramatoulaye BA FAYE. It is of the utmost importance to set up this representative office as soon as possible to underpin the efforts made by the five other representative offices in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), Nairobi (Kenya), Douala (Cameroon), Abuja (Nigeria) and Kinshasa (DR Congo), Ben Hasssine said. The aim is to boost economic diplomacy in the region and ease the access of exports to new markets. The talk also focused on the development of a joint action plan involving CEPEX and the Senegalese Agency for Export Promotion as part of updating the 2018 partnership agreement. This agreement provides for exchanging experiences and strengthening trading links between the two countries. The two officials also looked at preparations for the Tunisia-Senegal Business Forum due shortly in Tunisia. This event, they said, will help identify opportunities of exchange and expand cooperation. Tunisia’s exports to Senegal include vegetable oils, calcium carbonate, gypsum , dates and medicines. Frozen fishery products are its main imports. Tunisian exports to Senegal amounted to TND 185.2 million in 2022, up 22.34% on 2021.Imports edged up 314.4% in 2022 to TND 40.6 million.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse