Tunisia is preferred destination for plastic surgery and attracts over 30,000 foreign visitors each year (Nabil Jallazi)


Tunis: “Tunisia is a preferred destination for plastic surgery and attracts more than 30,000 foreign visitors every year,” said Nabil Jellazi, president of the Tunisian Federation of Aesthetic Medicine.

Speaking during a study day at the ARP on the draft law on the rights of beneficiaries of health services and medical liability, Jallazi pointed out that aesthetic medicine in Tunisia is experiencing exponential growth in terms of the number of visitors, both from within the country and from abroad.

“Aesthetic medicine is not considered a luxury. In some cases, it makes it possible to correct congenital deformities or injuries after an accident,” he adds.

“However, as with any medical procedure, there is no such thing as zero risk,” he said, explaining that medical errors are possible in this field, as in other areas of activity.

The president of the Federation of Aesthetic Medicine added that doctors are obliged to inform patients in advance of the side effects that may result from a medical procedure.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse