Tunisian student in Bochum, Germany attacked with acid (diplomatic source)


Tunis: A 31-year-old Tunisian student living in Bochum, Germany, was recently attacked by a German citizen who threw acid on him while he was sitting with his German wife in a café in the city.

According to the General Consulate of the Republic of Tunisia in Bonn, he had to be transferred to hospital (severe burns department) to receive the necessary assistance and treatment for severe burns on the back of his head, neck, hands, legs and part of his face.

The consulate said that the German police authorities had arrested the perpetrator and that an investigation had been launched to establish the circumstances of the attack.

A source at the Foreign Ministry’s Information Department quoted the Consulate General of the Republic of Tunisia in Bonn as saying in a statement that the Consul General and the social attaché went to the intensive care unit of Bochum hospital, where the Tunisian student was staying, to check on his health and psychological condition.

The doctor in charge of his case confirmed that h
is health and psychological condition have improved.

He is expected to undergo a first operation on July 15.

In order to guarantee the rights of the Tunisian student, the consular services sent an official request to the public prosecutor in charge of the case to clarify the circumstances of the attack.

It also requested a meeting with the regional services in charge of the case to urge them to adopt an official position on the attack and to ensure that such racist attacks are not repeated.

At the request of the student’s father, the Consulate General intervened with the consular services of the German Embassy in Tunis to facilitate the granting of a visa to the parents so that they could visit him as soon as possible.

The Consulate General in Bonn, in coordination with the Tunisian Embassy in Berlin and the central administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, is continuing its efforts with the regional and local authorities to ensure the protection of the interests
of the Tunisian student and the prosecution of the perpetrator.

It is also in contact with a number of lawyers to consider appointing them to defend his rights.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse