“Unit 14 of Sfax Air Base is pioneer in training of pilot officers” (Statement)


Tunis: Unit 14 at Sfax Air Base has the most advanced equipment and has great capabilities in training pilot officers, said commander of the Unit, Colonel Salem Rezgui,

The Staff Command and the National Defense Ministry, as part of their 2030 vision, are working to broaden the horizons of cooperation between this unit and African countries in terms of air military training, Col. Rezgui told reporters during a visit organized, on Friday, by the National Defence Ministry for the benefit of a group of journalists to this military base.

Col. Rezgui, added that cooperation agreements have been signed with several African countries whose officials have taken note of the enormous capabilities of the Air Unit, created on July 31, 1984.

The main mission of this unit is to provide basic training to pilot officers regardless of their specialty (airline pilots or fighter pilots).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse