West : murdered cattle rearer’s organs still not found, culprits on the runSchool Modernisation Programme 2 to help 14.500 pupils access modern schools


The internal organs of Musa Fatoul, a cattle rarer killed on December 31, 2023 in Foumban in the Noun division have still not been found and the unidentified and suspected body part traffickers are still on the run.

‘We are continuing with investigations to identify and arrest the body part traffickers. This is a big crime that shouldn’t go unpunished,’ Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Zourmba , Major Commander of the West gendarmerie region said.

The cattle rearer was allegedly killed by two men, Bouba, 21 years old and Damdi, 29 in the course of a fight with the help of a machete. His body was found at a place called Fosset.

‘That fateful day I received a call that my younger brother’s corpse had been found at Fosset. He was butchered like an animal,’ Amadou Saley said.

Lt. Col. Jonathan Zourmba , major commander of the West gendarmerie region explained that ‘the victim had consumed sachet whiskey given to him by Bouba. Later on, Musa and Damdi engaged in a quarrel that led to a fight. Damdi brutally sent a
machete through Musa’s stomach, pulling out his internal organs.’

The suspect Damdi who escaped was arrested recently following investigations opened.

‘We arrested Damdi in Tiko, South West region. Bouba was also apprehended after. We are not relenting efforts to arrest individuals who made away with Musa’s internal organs,’ the commander added.

The gendarmerie officials urged the population to stay vigilant and denounce criminals.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

The School Modernisation Programme 2, to be implemented from 2024 to 2029, will help 14.500 pupils access schools with modern infrastructure, the European Union Mission in Tunis said on Wednesday.

The overall cost of the School Modernisation Programme 2 is estimated at around pound 80 million, pound 40 million of which will be funded under the EIB loan, pound 25 million as a grant from the European Union and pound 15 million financed by the Tunisian government.

This programme will help build and modernise primary schools so as to guarantee inclusive and fair education to all.

The Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) Tuesday approved at a plenary session the pound 40 million financing agreement inked by Tunisia and the European Investment Bank (EIB) which covers contribution to the financing of the “School Modernisation Programme 2.”

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse