Zoundwéogo: holiday students trained in visual arts professions


Around fifty students from the communes of Gogo and Guiba (Zoundwéogo province) took part, on September 21 and 22, 2024 in Manga, in an art drawing learning session, as part of the ‘Vacation Camp: a seminar, a tree, a skill’ program.

The Zak La Yilguemdé association (AZLY) wants to take advantage of the school holidays to give students skills in professions with a view to developing resilience in them, as well as the ability to help each other and share experiences with their classmates.

For this purpose, it organized a visual arts training session on September 21 and 22, 2024 in Manga.

Fifty students from high schools and colleges in the communes of Guiba and Gogo, in the province of Zoundwéogo, benefited from this practical training.

“The activity is part of the “Holiday camp: a seminar, a tree, a skill” program, the implementation of which benefits from the technical and financial support of the Dutch foundation Kinderpostzegels,” said Emile Pengdwendé Ouédraogo, member of the AZLY association.

g these two days, the aim was to show participants the techniques for making drawings on a board using local cereals such as rice, peanuts and corn, explained trainer Abel Bouda, from the Piero Marinoni Women’s Center in Manga.

‘They made several types of drawings, such as hearts, the map of Burkina Faso and doves that symbolize peace,’ he explained. Despite the relatively short duration of the training, Abel Bouda said he was satisfied with the learners’ results. ‘In principle, it would have taken about two weeks to assimilate the techniques, but I am very satisfied because in two days, they were able to understand the fundamental principles and even made beautiful paintings,’ the trainer explained.

“Delighted”, student Sawadogo Samiratou from the Gogo departmental high school said he was now able to reproduce pieces of paintings thanks to the knowledge and skills he had acquired. This is also the case for student Nikiema Joachin from the Guiba departmental high school who also claims to now be able to pro
duce quality art paintings.

“I thank the trainer and the AZLY association for giving me this opportunity and I intend to share with my schoolmates what I have learned, so that they also know how to make pretty pictures with simple cereals,” he confided.

The holding of this training seminar on plastic arts is part of the implementation of the project “At school with complete peace of mind”, which aims to enable children to help each other to maximize their success. The initiative is mainly based on three strategic axes: education, child participation and resilience.

Source: Burkina Information Agency