Surrender illegal arms, residents urged

Elgeyo Marakwet County Commissioner John Korir has called on residents living along the Egeyo Marakwet-Baringo-West Pokot border to surrender illegal firearms before the government can open closed schools and markets.

Korir who was addressing a peace meeting in Chesogon said the government was hesitant to open the facilities with residents still in possession of firearms which they use to kill each other.

The CC was responding to residents who had called on the government to reopen Chesegon and Cheptuilon secondary schools to allow students go back to school and the markets along the border.

The residents told the CC that they had resolved to promote peace and that no one will attack students in schools citing other schools which were still in operation like Liter girls which is along the border but learning has been going on uninterrupted.

The residents said the government does not need to wait until they deploy the police before the social facilities can reopen.

However, Korir said while the governmen
t was doing all it can to restore peace, residents should also play their role by ensuring that weapons used to kill and maim are surrendered to the government.

He assured them that no one will be penalized for surrendering any weapon saying the action will be treated with utmost confidentiality continuing that names of those surrendering will not be disclosed.

The administrator added that no county government will refuse to open any market as it also benefits from revenue but this can only be done when there is peace.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Uganda: Largest power plant commissioned

Uganda has inaugurated its largest hydroelectric plant of 600 MW on the Nile, built by Sinohydro Corporation for $1.7 billion, 85% financed by a Chinese loan. This project, which increases the country’s energy capacity to 2,000 MW, will allow it to export electricity to its neighbors and support regional development.

Source: Africa News Agency (ANA)

Uganda: Largest power plant commissioned

Uganda has inaugurated its largest hydroelectric plant of 600 MW on the Nile, built by Sinohydro Corporation for $1.7 billion, 85% financed by a Chinese loan. This project, which increases the country’s energy capacity to 2,000 MW, will allow it to export electricity to its neighbors and support regional development.

Source: Africa News Agency (ANA)

Uganda: Largest power plant commissioned

Uganda has inaugurated its largest hydroelectric plant of 600 MW on the Nile, built by Sinohydro Corporation for $1.7 billion, 85% financed by a Chinese loan. This project, which increases the country’s energy capacity to 2,000 MW, will allow it to export electricity to its neighbors and support regional development.

Source: Africa News Agency (ANA)

Uganda: Largest power plant commissioned

Uganda has inaugurated its largest hydroelectric plant of 600 MW on the Nile, built by Sinohydro Corporation for $1.7 billion, 85% financed by a Chinese loan. This project, which increases the country’s energy capacity to 2,000 MW, will allow it to export electricity to its neighbors and support regional development.

Source: Africa News Agency (ANA)

Drive to restore forest cover in Kodera kicks off.

An initiative has kicked off to restore the forest cover in Kodera forest in Homa Bay county.

The county government in collaboration with an organization dubbed Miti Maisha and Seth Okello foundation have embarked on a massive campaign to restore the forest cover in Kodera Forest.

The forest which is the largest in Homa Bay County has faced servere deforestation over the years.

According to Homa Bay County Executive Committee Member for Environment Dr. Joash Aloo, the tree cover in Kodera forest has reduced to a paltry 30 per cent.

Extensive parts of the forest which used to be a canopy of trees are now bare land.

This means the forest may disappear if robust measures are not put in place to conserve it.

The reforestation exercise was launched today by Miti Maisha Chief Executive Dr. Agnes Awuor accompanied by her counterpart for Seth Ogelo Foundation Seth Ogelo and Dr Oloo.

They said the initiative targets to plant 10,000 seedlings in the forest.

Dr Aloo said that decades back, the forest was a cano
py of trees with springs in the hills.

He expressed concerns that the canopy has disappeared and the springs have dried up due to deforestation.

Oloo said deforestation in Kodera forest had also contributed to pollution of Lake Victoria which is situated a few kilometers from the forest.

‘Deforestation in Kodera forest has left the soil bare soil which encourages soil erosion thus silting Lake Victoria. We must save this forest,’ Dr Aloo said.

Dr Awuor said their objective is to improve environment by planting trees.

She said her organization was contributing 10,000 seedlings for planting in the forest.

‘We must conserve the environment for the future generations. The trees we are planting here will also enhance food production in this area by attracting rainfall,’ Dr Awuor said.

She said her organization is also encouraging school children to embrace the culture of planting trees.

‘We are encouraging pupils to plant and take care of trees in their schools. This will inculcate the culture of tree plan
ting in the society,’ she added.

Ogelo said they target to plant in phases one million trees by 2027.

‘We have started the first phase of planting the trees in this forest. The other phases will continue until we achieve our target.’ said Ogelo.

In an effort to improve tree cover in Homa Bay County, Dr Aloo said they are also planting trees in other forests.

‘The current tree cover in Homa Bay County is a paltry 3.1 per cent but we want to improve it to least 10 per cent.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Uganda: Largest power plant commissioned

Uganda has inaugurated its largest hydroelectric plant of 600 MW on the Nile, built by Sinohydro Corporation for $1.7 billion, 85% financed by a Chinese loan. This project, which increases the country’s energy capacity to 2,000 MW, will allow it to export electricity to its neighbors and support regional development.

Source: Africa News Agency (ANA)

Uganda: Largest power plant commissioned

Uganda has inaugurated its largest hydroelectric plant of 600 MW on the Nile, built by Sinohydro Corporation for $1.7 billion, 85% financed by a Chinese loan. This project, which increases the country’s energy capacity to 2,000 MW, will allow it to export electricity to its neighbors and support regional development.

Source: Africa News Agency (ANA)

Uganda: Largest power plant commissioned

Uganda has inaugurated its largest hydroelectric plant of 600 MW on the Nile, built by Sinohydro Corporation for $1.7 billion, 85% financed by a Chinese loan. This project, which increases the country’s energy capacity to 2,000 MW, will allow it to export electricity to its neighbors and support regional development.

Source: Africa News Agency (ANA)

Uganda: Largest power plant commissioned

Uganda has inaugurated its largest hydroelectric plant of 600 MW on the Nile, built by Sinohydro Corporation for $1.7 billion, 85% financed by a Chinese loan. This project, which increases the country’s energy capacity to 2,000 MW, will allow it to export electricity to its neighbors and support regional development.

Source: Africa News Agency (ANA)