Calvary Charismatic Centre shows compassion to prisoners in Ashanti Region


The Calvary Charismatic Center (CCC) in Kumasi, over the weekend, showed compassion to three prisons institutions in the Ashanti region by donating assorted items worth GHS100,000.00 to the inmates.

They were the Kumasi Central Prison, Amanfrom Prisons Camp and Manhyia Local Prisons.

They received items such soaps, bags of rice, gallons of cooking oil, toiletries, toothbrushes, and other consumables.

The church has set aside October every year as a donation month, where it gives support to destitute and other vulnerable groups in societies.

This year’s donation targeted prison inmates and formed part of the church’s obligation to be agents of transformation.

Pastor Joshua Obeng, a resident pastor who led a team from the church, said it was the church’s vision to spread the gospel to people and that could not be achieved when the welfare of the people was not measured adding that, taking care of the inmates formed part of church’s evangelism targets.

He said Jesus Christ taught Christians to show compassion for prisoners and the needy in the society.

According to Pastor Obeng, it was needful to seek the welfare of people in prison since most of them were convicted not by their might.

Reverend Mrs Stella Anku, Chaplain at the Kumasi Central Prison on behalf of the officers and inmates of the Prisons, thanked the Church for the massive support and urged other Churches to emulate the gesture, to help government’s effort in catering for the inmates.

She added that huge donations such as that of CCC created the impression in the minds of the inmates that society cared about them.

Pastor Joshua Obeng and other members of the Church after the donation went to both the male and female prisons to preach the gospel to the inmates.

Source: Ghana News Agency