Case of plot against state security: Néjib Chebbi “expects to be arrested in next few days”


President of the National Salvation Front, Nejib Chebbi, said that he is likely to be arrested by the security forces along with some lawyers, including Bochra Belhadj Hamida (currently in France), Ayachi Hammami and Noureddine Bhiri (in prison) for “plotting against state security”.

During a press conference in Tunis on Thursday, Chebbi said that the investigating judge at the judicial pole of the fight against terrorism has issued a rogatory commission on the subject, specifying that in case of his arrest, “he will not cooperate with the investigating judge and will not accept to get into the vehicle reserved for the transport of detainees.

He promised to continue to campaign for the removal of the surveillance cameras installed in the detention cells.

For his part, Ayachi Hammami, member of the defence committee of some of the defendants in this case, indicated that he will probably be invited to appear before the investigating judge in the coming days along with Bochra Belhadj Hamida and Néjib Chebbi.

A detention warrant will probably be issued against them, he added.

Hammami recalled that the investigating judge ordered, on Wednesday, the opening of an investigation against 4 lawyers. They are: Néjib Chebbi, Ayachi Hammami, Bochra Belhadj Hamida and Noureddine Bhiri.

The lawyer called on the National Order of Lawyers of Tunisia and all the structures of the profession to support “the lawyers who are referred to justice.”

For his part, Mohamed Hamdi, political activist, called on the various national organisations to work together with the opposition to “counter the autocracy that Tunisia is experiencing in view of the trials brought against trade unionists, lawyers and magistrates”.

“There will be no consultations with those who refuse dialogue and do not believe in it,” he said.

As for Kamel Jendoubi, human rights activist who participated by telephone in the conference from France and whose name is among those accused in this case, he said that “he will not appear before the investigating judge as long as the conditions for a fair trial have not yet been met.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse