Exchange days in Malanville on migration: the actors of the Benin-Niger platforms towards a pooling of energies


The actors of the Benin-Niger platforms on migration and representatives of the two communities are on exchange days from August 26 to 27, 2021 in Malanville to pool energies for the cause of migrant workers. It is with the support of FES-Benin, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Tunisia and the Réseau Syndical Migration Méditerranéennes Sub-Saharennes (RSMMS).


For an effective collaboration of migrants residing in Benin and Niger, the actors of the two countries come together for platforms around the same table for the effective defense of the interests of migrants. These exchanges take place over two days, from August 26 to 27, 2021 on the theme: “pooling energies for the cause of migrant workers”, and aiming to identify avenues of collaboration on the challenges and difficulties of migrants living in Benin and Beninese residing in Niger; synthesize challenges, diagnose needs, establish priorities and retain actions. For Miguel HOUETO , Representative of the Platform mutiacteurs de la Migration au Bénin (PMB),Benin and Niger share many things in common, including the ECOWAS region. According to him, the presence of the stakeholders at these days of discussion testifies to the willingness of the two networks to work in synergy for the good of the two communities. She reminded the participants that they must “reflect on the challenges common to the two countries in the perspective of a profitable synergy”.

Partner of this initiative alongside the Friedrich Ebert Tunisia Foundation, Nouratou Zato, program officer at FES-Benin, said that “migration is a development issue. She reminds us that you can be born in one country and live in another to make your contribution. “In view of its importance, it hopes that the diagnosis that will be issued from the various exchanges will live up to expectations, in particular the major challenges on which the two networks will be able to position themselves. “These issues can be the issues of free movement, of the construction of living together which is a transversal challenge which promotes peace”, she cited.

YALI Harouna, Member of the steering committee of the Réseau Syndical Migration Méditerranéennes Sub-Saharennes (RSMMS), was delighted with this initiative which, according to him, serves as a starting point. “The issues are multiple and it is up to us today to reflect on the priorities. It is true that everything is a priority, but we must retain the most important ones that will allow us to move forward more quickly in the interest of trade unions, civil society, and migrants who are the first beneficiaries ”, a- he affirmed. He finally urged the participants to give concrete actions that will allow the achievement of the objectives.

For the achievement of the objectives, the morning of this Friday, August 27, 2021 made it possible to carry out a diagnosis on the challenges and difficulties of the Nigeriens living in Benin and the Beninese living in Niger. The afternoon allowed the two platforms to identify, with the help of community representatives, the priorities and possible joint actions.



Source: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)

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