Extension of Tunis/Marseilles/Genoa crossing time to benefit CTN


The duration of ferry crossing between Tunis and Marseilles/Genoa has just been extended by 4 hours, from 20 to 24 hours, which will bring the Tunisian Shipping Company (CTN) an annual profit of almost 12 million dinars, according to Samir Thamouni, the company’s central director for passenger transport.

In an interview with TAP, he added that this new measure would help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the sector and thus protect the environment, in line with the standards set by the International Maritime Organisation.

This measure, which will come into force in January 2023, will make it possible to control expenditure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” he added.

The decision to extend the crossing time is in line with the National Strategy for Transport and Logistics until 2040, which aims to promote the ecological and digital transition. It also fits into the company’s plan to guarantee its financial equilibrium and improve its profitability, given that 50% of its expenditure is linked to fuel consumption.

In addition, Samir Thamouni advocated the implementation of a new strategy to develop and modernise the CTN fleet by investing in ships powered by alternative energy sources.

He recalled that CTN’s objective for 2023 is to exceed the figures recorded in 2022 (280,000 passengers) to reach 300,000 passengers and around 120,000 vehicles.

He told TAP the shipping company is working to ensure the best travel conditions in order to attract more customers.

It is also keen to coordinate as closely as possible with its agents working in the ports of destination, whether in Tunisia or in European ports, and to offer passengers the service of completing customs procedures on board the ship in order to save time on arrival.

The official also stressed that although the company is facing stiff competition on the Tunis-Europe route, it is working to maintain its market share thanks to the combined efforts of the various parties involved, in particular the Ministry of Transport, the Merchant Marine and Ports Department and the General Directorate of Borders and Aliens.

Besides the services offered during the summer season, CTN also provides services at preferential rates to some 300 French, German, Swiss and Italian tourists who come to southern Tunisia each year during the winter season to take advantage of Sahara tourism, he noted.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse