FECAFOOT publishes final lists of players for 2024 Elite playoffsFTF says FIFA extends term of its current bureau until May 20


534 Elite One players and 389 others from the Elite Two, have been retained for the 2024 MTN Elite playoffs.

The Cameroon Football Federation published the lists on March 18.

The FA noted that ‘players whose supporting documents were not admissible as well as those who did not submit to the justification procedure, have been provisionally suspended from the MTN Elite 2024 Playoffs pending clarification of their situation by the relevant authorities’.

A total of 104 team officials in the Elite One and 65 in the Elite Two were equally retained.

Based on article 53.5 of the Elite championship regulations, FECAFOOT pointed out that no further complaints on player eligibility will be accepted during the playoffs. The kick-off postponed from March 15, will take place on Friday, March 22, 2024.

Nathan Doualla of Victoria United, who was at the center of the double identity crisis investigated by FECAFOOT, will participate in the playoffs. His contested age, 17, was maintained.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Tunis: The Tunisian Football Federation (FTF) announced on Tuesday that it had received a letter from FIFA extending the term of office of the current FTF bureau and associated bodies until May 20, 2024.

The FTF said that a copy of FIFA’s letter has been forwarded to the FTF’s independent electoral commission in order to carry out and prepare the new electoral process within the specified deadlines, which will be communicated in due course.

The elective general assembly of the Tunisian Football Federation, scheduled for March 9, was cancelled following the rejection of the three lists of candidates by the national appeal committee on February 23.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse