Forty Inmates Released Under Community Service Order In Tambach Prison


To promote rehabilitation and reduce prison congestion, 40 low-risk inmates from Tambach Prison in Elgeyo Marakwet have been released from jail under the Community Service Order (CSO) program.

These individuals will serve the remainder of their sentences by contributing a specified number of hours to community service.

Dr Salome Beacco, the Principal Secretary of the State Department for Correctional Services, emphasized the significance of this initiative during her visit to Tambach Prison yesterday.

‘The probation department has been empowered to supervise the inmates released under CSO orders,’PS Beacco said.

PS Beacco highlighted that the majority of incarcerated individuals are men, expressing concern about its impact on society.

‘That is why we have thought of what transformational ideas we can come up with on how we can help you help yourselves thus the release under CSO orders is one of the reasons,’ she explained.

Under the CSO program, offenders deemed low risk are offered a chance to make ame
nds through community service, granting them a second opportunity in life. The collaboration between the Prisons department and the county government aims to provide training opportunities for the released individuals, enabling them to become self-sufficient.

Furthermore, the Prisons Department is working in conjunction with the Power of Mercy to assist those in need, facilitating their reintegration into their families and communities.

PS Beacco affirmed that this process will extend beyond Tambach Prison to other facilities nationwide to assess its efficacy.

Additionally, plans are underway to refurbish Tambach Prison to accommodate a mixed block, addressing the lack of a female prison in Elgeyo Marakwet.

The PS further pledged to liaise with the Commissioner of Prisons to explore solutions that ensure female inmates are not relocated outside the county.

Highlighting the need for judicial support, PS Beacco announced plans to petition the Chief Justice for the appointment of a resident judge in Elgeyo
Marakwet. She also revealed intentions to equip the prison with internet connectivity to facilitate e-court sessions, expediting legal proceedings.

Commissioner General of Prisons Brigadier (Rtd) John Warioba urged the released inmates to uphold good conduct and avoid recidivism. He assured those hesitant to return to the community that they could remain in custody until they felt prepared to reintegrate successfully.

Regarding reintegration support, Governor Wisley Rotich of Elgeyo Marakwet announced various opportunities available to the released inmates.

‘For those willing to learn skills, there are 1000 slots under the Tujiajiri program,’ Governor Rotich stated, encouraging them to seize the chance for personal growth.

In addition, he pledged to provide job opportunities through the World Bank town expansion program and support entrepreneurship initiatives with tools and agricultural resources.

Source: Kenya News Agency