Government To Take Stern Measures Against Individuals Found Defiling Minors


Men who are found abetting gender-based violence against women and defiling minors will be prosecuted, Makueni County Commissioner (CC) Henry Wafula has warned.

In this regard, Mr Wafula called upon wananchi to report all cases of gender-based violence and defilement to enable the government to arrest the culprits to face the law of the land accordingly.

At the same time, he urged local leaders to supplement government efforts by speaking against these heinous acts being meted out on women and innocent children in the county.

‘We shall not accept children aged six years to be defiled by a grown-up person. We will deal with the culprits according to the law of the land, ‘warned Wafula while speaking in Kibwezi town in Kibwezi East Subcounty after meeting national administration officers (NGAO) on Thursday.

‘I urge members of the public and even you (media) to give information to enforcement agencies of the government in an effort to curb this worrying trend. You know government is people and it is you. I
have to work but I need information to help me,’ challenged the administrator.

Wafula assured wananchi that the government was hunting for the man who promised to sponsor a girl’s education only to abuse her sexually.

‘There is somebody who has abused a minor sexually, he will run but he will have nowhere to hide,’ warned Wafula.

On drugs, he said that the government was ready to deal with the vice to ensure the youth are not enticed into this menace that has impacted on the society negatively.

It should be observed that on Tuesday this week, Makueni County Woman Representative Rose Museo led hundreds of women in a peaceful demonstration in Kibwezi town against the increase of cases of gender-based violence and defilement in the county.

Source: Kenya News Agency