Interior Ministry reveals identity of killed security officers in Ghriba attack


The Interior Ministry unveiled in a statement issued Thursday, the identity of the security officers killed during the attack perpetrated Tuesday night near the El Ghriba synagogue in Djerba.

They are:

*Colonel Major Maher Arbi, 54 years old, national security force.

*Chief Warrant Officer Khaïreddine Lafi, 31 years old, National Sea Guard.

*Police officer Mohamed Abdelmajid Atig, 31 years old, National Counter-Terrorism Squad (He succumbed to his injuries in hospital).

The ministry offers deepest condolences to the families of the victims.

In addition to the perpetrator, who was shot by the security forces, the attack claimed the lives of two “visitors” of Tunisian and French nationality.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse