Laikipia Exhibitors Showcase Innovations On Climate Smart Technologies


Over 70 exhibitors are showcasing their innovations in the Nanyuki Agricultural show in Laikipia County that seek to address climate change.

The exercise that kicked in earnest is focusing on using modern technologies to enhance value addition and improve productivity for sustainable economic growth.

Mount Kenya Agricultural show chairman Newton Kabuthia told media that innovators from banking, hospitality, tourism and agriculture that were among the sectors participating in the show to sensitize residents on the available opportunities that bolster technology.

This year’s theme was, ‘Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture and Trade Initiatives for Sustainable Economic Growth.’

‘I encourage those willing to learn more about agribusiness to come and participate. About 74 exhibitors from different sectors are showcasing their products,’ said Kabuthia.

Laikipia County Commissioner (CC) Onesmus Kyatha said that security was beefed up in the area and at the same time revealed that the Office of the President was
also exhibiting the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) plan for the first time.

‘The programs showcased are the government’s top priority like BETA. They align with President Dr. William Ruto Key pillars on agriculture, affordable housing, universal health care and technology,’ said Kyatha.

The CC pointed out that the move was aimed at ensuring residents get to understand government development initiatives at the grassroots level.

The Agricultural show that started on Wednesday will end on May 25, and is expected to attract over 10,000 guests.

Source: Kenya News Agency