Launch of training leading to diploma in installation and maintenance of fibre optic networks


Six partnership agreements were signed between the Tunisian Agency for Vocational Training (ATFP), the National Chamber of Telecommunications Network Integrators, the two sectoral telecoms training centres in Cité El Khadhra and the sectoral mechatronics training centre in Borj Cedria, and several companies operating in the sector.

The agreements were signed at an information day held at the Borj Cedria mechatronics training centre to announce the official launch of the “Installation and maintenance of fibre optic networks” diploma course, in the presence of Riadh Chaoued, Secretary of State to the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training, in charge of Communitarian Companies.

Under the agreements signed, training in the installation and maintenance of fibre optic networks will be organised to improve the skills of workers in this field and facilitate the integration of graduates into the labour market.

The training programme, financed by the Swiss Confederation for the period 2021-2026, also aims to
reduce youth unemployment and improve the performance of companies in the sector.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse