Léraba/Peace effort: The population of the rural commune of Niankorodougou lets its heart speak


The population of the rural commune of Niankorodougou, offered, on Thursday August 22, 2024 in Niankorodougou, 11.5 tonnes of cereals and 1 million 55 thousand CFA francs to the IDPs and the FDS. It was under the presidency of the high commissioner of the province of Léraba, Mahamadi Congo.

In order to comply with the call of the Head of State for the reconquest of the territory, the population of Niankorodougou, a rural commune located 30 km south of the urban commune of Sindou, made a donation of 11.5 tonnes of corn to the IDPs and a sum of 1 million 55 thousand CFA francs to the FDS and VDP for the peace effort.

‘We are really touched by everything that is happening in our country, the communities who are on the move, the orphans, women and children of the fallen FDS without forgetting the VDP who contribute to the security of the country. We thought, through our modest contribution, to support the President of Faso in his commitment to helping these populations,’ indicated the village chief of Niankoro
dougou, Yaya Ouattara.

The high commissioner of Léraba province, Mahamadi Congo and the president of the special delegation of the rural commune of Niankorodougou, Salif Nadiabega, thanked donors and called on other communes to follow the same step.

‘We are surprised and moved by this enormous gesture. Our lives were led by despair, but this morning we have proof that there is hope. Thank you to these donor populations,’ said the representative of the IDPs of Niankorodougou, Assane Barry.

The provincial director in charge of Humanitarian Action in Léraba, Ousmane Ouédraogo, clarified that the assistance is not for eternity.

‘We want to undertake, at the level of internally displaced persons, through available actions (cultivable spaces for IDPs), which are negotiated with village and land chiefs by the provincial service of humanitarian action and solidarity,’ he wished.

The ceremony was marked by a tree planting.

The commune has 21 villages which have all contributed to the peace effort.

Since March 3
1, 2023, the Léraba province has recorded 868 internally displaced people.

Source: Burkina Information Agency