Local elections/Beja: 9 candidates with disabilities selected by sortition


Nine candidates with disabilities were selected by sortition in Beja governorate.

They are:

-Delegation of South Béja: Nabil Hosni

-Delegation of North Béja: Rayed Makni

-Delegation of Testour: Marouen Chabbi

-Delegation of Amdoune: Khalil Kheloui

-Delegation of Gboullat: Taieb Ryahi:

-Delegation of Medjez El Bab: Helmi Taboubi

-Delegation of Nefza: Ghada Massaoud

-Delegation of Teboursouk: Sami Amdouni

-Delegation of Thibar: Hassen Djebbi
Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse