Local elections: Data of 127,000 voters updated (Mansri)


Data of 127,000 citizens had been updated, the Independent High Authority for Elections (French: ISIE) said on Tuesday. Over 900,000 Tunisians followed up on requests to update their data in order to participate in local elections, ISIE Spokesperson Mohamed Tlili Mansri further said. “We hope for a record number of update requests,” he told TAP on the sidelines of an ISIE Board meeting held in Tunis to discuss issues relating to expenditure, the budget for local elections, the regulatory decision on setting rules and procedures for candidacy and ISIE’s media plan. Over 3,000 field staff were deployed to update voter data in line with clear-cut plans divided into projects, including liberal professions, secondary schools, supermarkets, etc. The budget for local elections would be similar to previous ones, i.e. TND 40 million, he added. Official budgetary control will take place after the end of the electoral process.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse